Heaven: Is the grass greener?

article image placeholderAny Dream You Wanted ft. Alan Watts ( οΌ·οΌ‘οΌ΄οΌ΄οΌ³οΌ·οΌ‘οΌΆοΌ₯ ⚑🌊 )
And would it live up to all of these ideas we have around what it is to be happy or eternity in a joyful state, et cetera? These things kind of make me think of that phrase of the grass is always greener on the other side. And it's true, right? We have no concept necessarily, or no full concept of the other side

"What would you do, if you were God" ~Alan Watts https://s.swell.life/STNFxtipPWBiB43

J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 3:14
Hey, Christina. It is JL. And you know what? Reflecting on the question from the singer, what would you do if you were God? In some of the reading and just spiritual education I'm doing for myself, I am grasping the understanding. I am already God. God is already in me. And so I already possess power and abilities. And it is my task as a journey on this Earth in this form because I do have this belief, growing belief
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoΒ Β·Β 4:30
But if we were gods, we probably would be the same as the biblical God that's depicted a God who is vengeful, who is jealous, and who is also benevolent. And all of these things simultaneously are so just as it is with us, humans and beings in the ways we create. And thank you for creating this idea for me to ponder this morning


But then if we believe that God is instead outside the realm of comprehension, human comprehension, well, then even still, why is there this assumption or belief that one should obey and worship simply because we're told? And if we're told that we were also given a brain, if our brain questions doing something just because we're told, how can that be found wrong or immoral?
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoΒ Β·Β 4:58


Okay, now you really got my mind spinning here. It's not often I get to talk about religion in this way, so thank you for this. I do feel at times the problem with religion as of today is that its messengers are men, but it's supposed to be told from the word of God. But yet the word of God has been interpreted in so many different ways that we have these splinters of denominations and people believe in. They are the true and only interpretation


Like I've heard Christina say on Clubhouse, for instance, they won't even entertain thought experiments around faith. They won't even consider certain questions and considering them because it opens the door to threaten the very faith right of believing in these things. And unfortunately, posing these questions with non believers, well, then they see it as an opportunity to tear down somebody who does believe or to point out how stupid the thought experiment is or the question is
Zen Momma
@ZenMommaΒ Β·Β 5:00
And for me it was like communing with God in nature outside behind my house in this old one down broom factory. Random. But if there is a God, I want to believe in a God you can find anywhere. But I love a lot of the questions that you're asking and I'll start with the first one as far as heaven. Yeah, the whole concept of heaven. I've had an issue for a while with h*** punishment for not getting it
Zen Momma
@ZenMommaΒ Β·Β 5:00


But some of that has served humans fairly well or have served some humans fairly well. So I pare it down. For me, I have an open belief. I like to listen to people's personal experiences on anything and dogma interests me, but more in a human experiment. I don't go and, you know, look into the I don't look through the Book of Mormon or look in the Bible or look at the scriptures that didn't make it into the Bible
Zen Momma
@ZenMommaΒ Β·Β 5:00


I love looking into different religions and belief systems or even atheism anti beliefs in the sense of religion. All that fascinates me. But it fascinates me. To me, it's more knowledge about humans and about how we experience and how we each differently kind of process belief in this world and being here and all the things right, how we explain the unexplainable. So that fascinates me
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoΒ Β·Β 4:56


Memes we think of memes is like funny games and silly but memes is basically anything that's culturally duplicated and copied so that's with social media is probably the biggest testament to that which is why memes are so prevalent on social media. But the disinformation misinformation, it's a brutal world out here and people will lead you astray and have you pay them for it. So one has to be very careful and knowledge, the more you have of it, the less you know


But anyway, you said something really interesting that caused me to pause about fear being the enemy of it's, the common enemy to faith and belief and science and knowledge and so on. I had not previously thought about things this way, but it makes a lot of sense