Who needs "drugs", when we've got sunshine?!

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I mean, the stars well, the stars, yes, but I meant starlings or birds in the sky doing formations or playing or tree branches or the way the light catches things, or in this particular case, the horefrost on the trees. We've had fog for several weeks now and as it moves through, it leaves behind these water droplets that continue to build up on surfaces, particularly trees and bushes and so on. And so this is a photo of that against the very beautiful blue sky


And for anyone curious, this is a photo of it close up. It's not the best, it's not as clear as I'd like it to be, but you can sort of get an idea of how those little crystals are formed on the branches and from far away than what it actually looks like. It's so beautiful, so amazing
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J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 1:50
Hey, Christina. I am walking to my office on a cloudy day. You probably hear cars driving past and all of those other noises in the background, construction trucks because they're doing building buses, etc. And you're right, there's something about the sunshine that just infuses. Joy, happiness, smiles, feel good, feelings resiliency. And I felt all of that this past couple of days that we've had sunshine in the state I'm in