Shawn Gomez
@sdfxsggrimmlin · 0:39

An Idea for a new book

It here goes a new title for a book that I've decided to maybe not put in published quite yet, but it's called idiocracies and Redundancies of America. Stupidly, redundant America just think about it and think about all the stuff that we do that's f****** redundantly stupid and how much money we waste redundantly stupid stuff oh, and always remember that there is a pill and a nat for that most troublesome condition but being broke no, there isn't

Idiocrcies and Rendundancies of America



Would you care to elaborate on an example of idiotic, redundant stuff? I guess I should clarify and say America oriented because there's a lot of idiotic, redundant stuff all over the planet in different places at different times, different reasons. I'm curious of what's on your mind