Mike W
@Scribe7 · 4:54

Cry me a river ( yeah right picture that )

First of all, I guess I would have to undo a lot of stuff because when we were coming up, if you started crying, you got punched in your chest. Then there's other times where you got punched in your chest and they dared you to cry. You know what I mean? So it's like you got to hold it together. And my mom, she takes on everything, man. She takes on every bad decision that we did

#don't hold your breath

Cameron Fitzgerald
@TheFitz · 3:18
I think that the reaction that is caused when that happens can be attributable, can be defined as passion. So as far as the PG, we could go and try to test this out almost like we're proving math problems, right? So when I have intimacy with my wife, it is a situation where I know this is right, I know this is good. And it also aligns with and finds agreement with the passions of my heart
Mike W
@Scribe7 · 4:09
That's my father. And I know that he was going to center stage, you know what I mean? Because he's a spiritual man. He was a walking Bible. And for him, he was suffering. It's time to go. And he was going to be a headliner at a pay per view event in heaven. Simple. That this on GP. I ain't crying like that. I don't want no woman to feel like I'm weak
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Cameron Fitzgerald
@TheFitz · 4:59


So there's been a lot of situations where I've been around tragedy. And in the tragedy, everyone's working through their emotions and being sad and crying and stuff like that. But the way that my brain has worked is the way that my brain works is I go into adrenaline mode at that period, trying to go and see to the needs of the people in the immediate take care
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:11


Oh, I went through that. I actually wrote a poem about it. I think I titled it when I was a boy, my dad wanted boys and so in me the tomboy of the three girls. He wanted me to be tough, so he did not like my crying. Needed me to cry about anything. And then I would get smacked or get a spanking if I cried and then dare me to cry
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:59
When I'm sad, same thing, I think, for men, though, I do think you have to wait until you are with the right person to cry, because I know some women will use that as a weapon against a man. And I've heard women say, oh, now you cry. You weak. You cry, you weak. And I didn't like it, but it wasn't my conversation, so I didn't say anything
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 2:10
And then when we are doing what grown folks do, it's looking in each other's eyes and just getting lost in each other's eyes and just being so present in the moment and being so connected with the other person that everything you experience, every touch, every kiss, you experience it even greater, right? It is like an explosion because the passion is there and you're releasing that passion, let me put it that way