sayra kidd
@Saykidd · 3:59

Sharing Sunday

And the point is, through all of it, I realized how important it was for me to find the ring. And I had to ask myself, is it important because of the ring or was it because of who you received it from? And for me, it was because of who I received it from

#Life #HumanityLove #Empathy

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:56
So thanks for sharing your story of the jewelry and then me remembering this. And yeah, I think I relate to being a giver. I love giving gifts or little experiences. And, yeah, it's a great reminder to just not worry about what that person is going to do with the gift, but then also finding the balance of giving and receiving. I feel like I am constantly learning that. But yay. Thanks again for sharing this
sayra kidd
@Saykidd · 0:58


But it's not about this is who I am, it's about what is best for humanity. So thank you so much. I'm going to follow you and I would love to talk to you more. And I'm going to check out your page. I'm tired tonight, but I promise you, you're going to hear from me tomorrow. See you soon. Soon. And good vibes to you. There it is. Good night
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 4:52
He was on the weekend where I was not working on weekend because the family was taking care of him during the weekend time. And I would do the weekdays in the evening after school. Then the family, they informed him that he just passed. And she was very sad because I was so close to him who were getting like a friend