Sankalp Mirani
@SankalpMirani · 0:47

Never let em

Never let them. If you never thought you'll ever change sitting back right now it blows you away feeling responsible for what you are. If it works, don't regret that. Don't ever let anyone talk. You are done. Nobody can take what you were meant to be away. Even if nothing comes so easy, that doesn't mean you stop daming don't ever let them you it's over for you. People will be hating you from every angle

Never let them hurt you

reader 75063
@reader75063 · 1:24

#poetsofswell #swellcast #collegevoiceindia #penandpoetryweek #poeticPath

Wow. The way you said it, first of all, your recitation was beautiful. I hope I'm using the right word. Were you rapping? Each word was emphasized. Each word was stressed. You were focusing on every single word and making sure that the thought actually went inside our brains. And I needed this today. I'm so glad I heard this
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Shrawani Shravs
@castleofnovels · 2:09

#collegevoiceindia #swellcast #poetsofswell #penandpoetryweek

We shouldn't let them allow to rule our rulers. Mainly, we shouldn't allow their opinions to make our lives to achieve what we want. We should go with the flow and achieve what we want without allowing others in this society or in our family to achieve what we want. We should just suppress the words of others and reach the success we aimed for. Thank you for sharing such an amazing one
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Vipin Kamble
@Vipin0124 · 0:26


Hey, Sankalp. Beautiful poetry. Beautiful recitation. Never let them hurt you. Yeah, when we allow them, then only they are able to hurt us. Excellent representation of your feelings. Keep writing. Keep shining. God bless
Preshti 57
@Preshtifeels · 0:57

#penandpoeteryweek #preshtifeels #swellcast

We need to walk in our own way and never let them speak about us. Why should others interfere us? We have our own dreams and we just need to follow up path. That's all. Am I right? I think I'm right. So this is my point of view. Thank you