Sanjukta Khaund
@Sanjukta · 0:41

#MyProfile | Sanjukta Khaund

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Hi, I'm Sanjukta, mother to a bright, feisty, kind, sensitive tween. Being her mom is my number one priority and the source of my greet joy. I Firstswell, Firstswell, Firstswell, Firstswell, Firstswell, Firstswell mental health professional II author destigmatize mental health by creating awareness around it. I will be this platform to speak about mental health, wellness and parenting. In case you wish to know more about me and my work, you can log on to www.sanjuktacound.com

#FirstSwell Mental Health Professional II Author of the ‘The Art Of Falling Forward’ : #mentalhealthmatters, #mentalhealthstigma #parenting, #anxiety, #grief

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:29


Well, so do give it a listen, and if you like it, do drop a reply on it because that's how you can connect with more people on the platform and basically start his well casting journey. So welcome once again
article image placeholder#SwellChallenge Making Gratitude A Way of Life - Day 4
Sanjukta Khaund
@Sanjukta · 0:14


Hi, Aishani. I hope I got your name correct. I will definitely check out the link attached by