Sam Panini
@sampathpanini · 0:55

Twitter Product Problem

Elon Musk committed the cardinal sin of product management. He made the product problems a reflection of his problem. Elon's problems are he's intelligent, feels isolated, lonely, and the bots paying him attention, keeping him company and turning his brain to Mush. He made the product roadmap about his problems as opposed to the user's problems, which requires empathy. This is a train wreck, dumpster, fire, car crash and it's impossible to turn away from

Twitter, Elon Musk, Product, Empathy, Train Wreck

Arish Ali
@arish · 2:19


So it's almost like that, watching him take all these drastic kind of actions as a turnaround. CEO Twitter. But my fundamental issue here, twitter doesn't have a product problem. The product works very well, does everything it's supposed to do. The problem really here is more of a culture problem and a social problem. And that can be solved by engineering or making product fixes and product features and pricing, setting features and things like that

@arish @sampathpanini

This is a bit of a devil's advocate perspective, perhaps, but I think there's a bit of truth to what both of you are saying in that, for instance, if we look at the Blue Badge, right, and he said, you know, do you want to pay a dollar for it? The money is irrelevant at the moment. But originally the whole Blue Badge was about safety issues
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:29

@arish @SeekingPlumb@ : identity crisis

Because right now, at this very moment, twitter is almost in some sense weaponized. There are instances of people, agencies deploying to promote a false propaganda or a narrative against ideology or a belief system or against the community, if you will. And that disrupts national security and peace no matter which region it comes from. And these kinds of things often get ignored by the regular users because the common tactics these people use is to modify the celebrity profile by one letter


Because again, speaking of whatever it is that I wanted to say as a woman was not received. I could not participate in the conversation, I was shut out. But if I delivered it as presumably a man, the conversations were entirely different. Entirely different. And so I think that there is a place and a need for anonymity, even if it's that superficial level of an account on a social media platform. All of that to say
Bernie Goldbach
@topgold · 2:37

When the CEO is poison

And now it seems so many billionaires flush their money into vanity projects, leveraging banks or the Saudi wealth fund, and then they get their ego stroked by bots, by sycophants, and just by the happy tech community. Watching what's going on with Facebook meta and Google and Instagram and Stripe and Twitter makes me think we're headed into a cliff where there's going to be some dramatic fall down decline of tech stock value, and maybe that's good. Elon has started the correction process
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Darren Keith
@darrenkeith3 · 1:47
Good morning. Happy Monday. That is a very good idea. What you said in regards to somebody taking this off of his hands, I don't know what drove him to purchase his Twitter and and we all know that he really didn't want this product. It was something of an ego, I guess, in regards to stopping him being made fun of, I don't know. But it's sad. It is pathetic