Samm's Session Section
@Samm5762 · 2:35

If I could be a character in any book or movie...

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You know, me and my family have been brought up in that knowledge and in that way of using herbs as a medicine and different teas, incorporating the spices and the herbs into your food so you could continue to allow it to do what it's supposed to do as it was given to us to do

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp1 https://s.swell.life/SUAC5TdMQB0HViR #TellYourStory

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:17
What a great answer, and I love the accompanying story. I think it's so great. So excited to hear you talk more about herbs. I really don't know that much at all about them or the benefits that they could have, so I'm definitely very excited to learn. Thank you so much for sharing
Neena Maiya
@neenamaiya · 0:35
I am scraping my brain trying to think of one character from even one book or film that I would like to be. And to be honest, I can't think of any. Because all the books I've read, the characters have had so much trouble, so many trials and tribulations. I don't want to have their lives. Oh, boy. I can't think of any. Hmm
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Samm's Session Section
@Samm5762 · 1:56


I'm okay with mine because other people's can seem so wonderful and so fairy tale like and good, but in the other hand, they don't tell the other part of their life. So that's why I chose the author of that book, because she's known as the godmother of herbs. So, you know, it's something I enjoy, something I would always want to do in life
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Samm's Session Section
@Samm5762 · 4:39


There's a thousand million herbs that people don't even know about, some that are not even illegal to have here in the United States. You know, they have medicinal herbs such as poppy flowers. There's a. I know dandelions. That's a wildflower. A lot of people would cut them down in the yard, but they just don't know that it has vitamin C. Vitamin K is actually good for you. It actually promotes weight loss
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