sameena khan
@sam_khan19 · 3:44

Persnol development

I used to do workshop for the teachers and monetary trained teacher. I'm a dissolve trained teacher. But while I landed here in Lucknow it was 180 degree turn we landed up in Corona. So I think so somewhere down the line you lose your personality because when you don't get people around when you don't get that MOSFET what you really want you can't gel up with people

# persnol # lifestyle

Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:56


Finally, references and referrals they help to understand the cultural nuances or the idiosyncrasies that some of the hiring processes might have existed and instead of reinventing the wheel, one can identify the right way to go about it. I also am a big fan of certifications
sameena khan
@sam_khan19 · 1:25


Thank you so much. Thank you so much. It really, you know, boost your energy like somebody is listening to you. When somebody is there to you give an ear and you know you have a place To Dump Your things. And that really Is Very Important Dumping Ground