Saikumar srungarapu
@sai_051 · 0:57

Good day

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Whatever happens is for a cause, and we have to turn it for a good cause. So for anyone who feels very low, just text me or inbox me and I'll be right away there to encourage you to make your mood swings out of the impression. So Sai, signing out. Thank you. Have a nice day
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:26
Hello. Sai, you are absolutely right. Whatever happens, happens for our good. So we need to accept it. We need to make the utmost utilization of each and every moment. And whatever happens with us, we need to learn from it and move forward. So we need to consider every day as a good day. Then only we can actually learn a lot and move forward. And thank you for his wonderful advice
Saikumar srungarapu
@sai_051 · 0:46


But I just implement and I just wanted to take care of all the people who are really having a very bad time or very bad friends who never think about them. But this friend will be always there to represent any of the issues or to help to guide or something. But thank you so much for your response. Have a nice day. Bye