zeba sahib
@Sahibzaaadi · 0:46

Mental Health workshop - Menstruation

article image placeholderUploaded by @Sahibzaaadi
So people who relate, people who want to talk, people who want to learn can register. Given the details of the picture, please go through it and please spread the word. Thank you so much

#womenhealth #mentalhealthawareness

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:00
So, yes, I will spread the word among my circles, and I'll definitely forward this picture. And hopefully this workshop has a great turnout because, as I said, a lot of people need it. So, yeah
zeba sahib
@Sahibzaaadi · 2:07


A lot of things, yes, that will be great and how to deal with it will help even more. She will also be taking other workshops for anxiety and depression and other mental health issues shortly. And I will keep people posted on swell as well because it's the beginning of her career and she wants to do some good work for people. A lot of people cannot do not go to psychologists for help because they can't afford it because it's kind of an expensive affair. These days