baisakhi saha
@saha.baisakhi · 2:10

#AuthorStory | My process for writing a book

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You? Frankly speaking, I don't write all the time. Far from it. I hardly ever make time for writing. I only write when I am inspired, and I do a lot of other things to be inspired. Like I spend all this time with myself, playing in my mind, fantasizing, imagining, daydreaming, juggling with possibilities that penning down my thoughts is actually the last step in the process

#SPBAuthorStory5 #SwellPrompt #TellYourStory

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:52
And then as I got older, I thought, like, oh, no, the practice is to just write and write and write and write. But there's so much that needs to grow and flourish and blossom inside of you and inside of your mind and in the imaginative world before you even hit the page. So it's really lovely to hear this and to hear you talk about your process. I really, really am enjoying your swells. Thank you so much for, for talking about this