The Unmotivated Motivator
@s.cange · 4:49


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You speak to them or you're that person that everybody comes to, and you have all the ideas, you have all of the knowledge, or you look it up and you're motivated to help them. Absolutely unmotivated to help them. But when it comes to yourself, you're not motivated enough for yourself. You have all the answers for everybody else. And some of the people that you actually unmotivated motivator executed

Talking about motivation and the definition of unmotivated and being an unmotivated motivator

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:07
What's up, man? I love this. I love it. I can relate to it. I've been it. And I can also empathize with you and not being where you feel like you could be. But there's also a beauty in being where you are. Right? And I know you know that. There's so much joy in motivating people
Dr Toni Murray
@KneadedConvo · 1:08
You. Good evening. Good evening. Good evening. I absolutely love the discussion. I too can be an unmotivated motivator. And what I usually say is I am a procrastinator. And so I know that motivation and procrastination can go hand in hand. I think I'm pretty motivated, but I don't know if it's fear
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The Unmotivated Motivator
@s.cange · 2:38


So, like, for me right now, I've just finished doing well. I'm still doing a couple of pages coloring right now of this book called The Job for Legacy comics, shameless plug legacycomics.com. That's comics with an X. And I'm working on it's a great story. It's about a couple who rob banks to pretty much deal with their wrestling addiction. He's a pro wrestler by night, but they rob banks, like, early morning, daytime, whatever
The Unmotivated Motivator
@s.cange · 2:25


No more procrastination, no more motivating other people and not motivating myself. So definitely let's just keep each other motivated on this one and then just keep the train going. Let's invite some people in, and if they're a creative or they're doing something, even if they're just in a job that they maybe want that that particular position, and they're like, oh, maybe I shouldn't take it, or maybe I should or should I try for it? I'm not qualified
Dr Toni Murray
@KneadedConvo · 2:24


Ahead. Good morning and thank you for your follow up response. I do appreciate that and also thank you for making that fine distinction between motivation and procrastination. I do agree with procrastination. Sometimes you just don't get started. Like you kind of sit and you can lose your motivator to finish something or execute on something. So I do agree with you on those points. So I have not started my swell yet. Other than responding to your post, I am unmotivated to do
The Unmotivated Motivator
@s.cange · 1:51


Wow, that is awesome. I'm glad to hear that you are unmotivated to do your own podcast and you're setting up. I don't think you're procrastinating. I think you're just setting up, making sure all the t's are crossed and the I's are dotted. That sounds great. I can't wait to actually hear it. And I'll definitely subscribe to the podcast once you get it up and running, so he
The Unmotivated Motivator
@s.cange · 2:26
Thanks. I thought I would touch back on this unmotivated motivator. Let's keep this going. What has everybody been up to? What have you guys been moving? I would love to hear from you guys, and I would love to hear what you've been up to. As far as myself, I am completing the job number two for Legacy comics. Finished pretty much laying out everything, all 24 pages. I'm coloring it right now. I'm continuing to do swells