Ryan Caplinger
@RyanCarsonC · 0:53

The Darkness From Within

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article image placeholderUploaded by @RyanCarsonC
article image placeholderUploaded by @RyanCarsonC
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You. Hey, everybody. Well, it's official. My release book is out. It's called the darkness from within. And it is deep and it is dark. It's about love and life and heartbreak and loss and the pain that we go through. But no matter what pain we go through, that we find that light, that we stay positive regard us of what abuse we go through or if we loved a narcissist and didn't know how to get out


Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:09
You. Congrats on your book release. This sounds really interesting. I'm gonna have to check it out. Thank you for sharing
Ryan Caplinger
@RyanCarsonC · 0:37
You. Thank you for replying. I'm so excited about this journey. And there are truths in the book. It's mostly fiction. It's mostly stories made up about life. Love, heartbreak, pain, abuse. All the pain that we go through in life and all the darkness that we go through to find the light. But there are stories in the book that are my actual life story. One is called no more and one is called roses bloom
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