Kyra Collins
@Runtheplay · 5:00

Goals Goals Goals

Also, other things, like your credit, usually has to be in order for you to become a homeowner. So all of these types of little things are things that oh, God, it requires discipline. In some cases, it requires sacrifice. In some cases, it requires learning a new skill. It may require you doing something different on a daily basis to save money to start a new venture or buy a home or whatever it may be


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 4:20

#discipline #passion #work

And the association with doing things that you love versus doing the things that you don't love. And the challenges that you face with both. And the need for help, I think is another great correlation of just possibility where people can consider what they need and what they don't need. I'm in a six week container program right now. It's like a mastermind for optimization everything in life
Kyra Collins
@Runtheplay · 4:42
And so the work that I really need to do to increase productivity, really lead change, create new services, products, really simplify processes, work more efficiently that work. I only have a little small part of time to do that, and so I'm never really gaining any efficiency in those areas because I'm spending so much time doing the things that don't serve that purpose
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:42


And something you said about motivation reminds me of something that someone once told me that stuck out, and that's just that motivation is for the uninspired and that the inspired people don't need motivation because they're inspired. It's kind of learning the difference between the two, and it's very valuable to kind of know the difference. But yeah, there's a lot happening in the group, but we're definitely deep diving in on a lot of best practices for overall optimization