Rahiri P
@RP29 · 4:59

Update over the last month

And I've now had to readapt and change because I've gone from having, I guess, nobody in my life as such, to now having someone there, and there's been a lot of emotions coming up and change, which my focus has definitely changed, that I was focusing mainly on me. And then obviously there's been that switch again on that I'm focusing elsewhere instead of myself

After a month there has been alot that going on but I better get back to sharing and why not reset and do a catch up on the last month.

Rahiri P
@RP29 · 5:00

Part 2 - Update

And obviously they are only just young adults and still yet to experience life. But they have helped me a lot with just more or less understanding how things are around this time and age. They also make me understand about how deep their communications and expressiveness is. Because for so long us adults have been told that our feelings being expressive is not the thing. We've been conditioned to know that having to being like that is not right