Rahiri P
@RP29 · 5:00

Day 13th April- Communication Honesty Open Love

I knew it wasn't going to go well. I knew that she was going to be a bit standoffish or as she would put it, restraint from accepting what I said. And I know that what she wants is not what I want, but she has accepted what I said. And we've been communicating, we communicated properly about everything and it's taken us six months, but I guess because we haven't seen each other and how we ended things did not end well
Rahiri P
@RP29 · 4:03

Part 2

Because I know that with her feelings she has said that she's come to the contentness or acceptance of things, but I feel that she has suppressed it because she's always been someone that's suppressed all of her emotions and has never expressed them. She more or less, like, thinks of it logically as such, and then also gets met with resistance as well