Rahiri P
@RP29 · 5:00

Day 25th - 26th April - Friendship - Rock bottom - Heard/seen - Work In Progress

Hey everyone. So being really unfocused to an extent and that's because I had discussed, I think it was Monday night with my ex in regards to the type of friendship that she's wanting with me because she still does want to have some type of friendship. And I guess I asked that question on what type of friendship that she was wanting between us. So then I could try and understand exactly my approach on not leaning on her as such, if that makes sense
Rahiri P
@RP29 · 5:00

Part 2

They don't have to try and fix it or try and give you advice like you're not looking for that. And for a lot, like I guess the way that I talk or the way that I express myself does sometimes feel like I want to be fixed. But I know that they can't because only I can fix myself. And I possibly do need to go to therapy, but finances at this moment is currently not the go for me to afford to go to therapy
Rahiri P
@RP29 · 5:00

Part 3

And my energy now is at a point of being feeling comfortable, but there's still more work to do. And that's what I'm doing is I'm still doing work every day on myself, which is improving my mindset, changing my routines and just taking each day as it comes. Because the future that I once saw is not the future that is showing me now. And my future that I now see is where I am completely on my own, alone but successful