Rahiri P
@RP29 · 5:00

Day 22nd April - Money, body n mind

Now, me looking on to how my money story is had opened a few ideas and a few things that I do need to change about it because I found that having money was, I guess I was unappreciated of it. I never appreciated the way that money provided for me or way that money was providing for myself and my family. And so once it came in, it would always leave. And I also treated money in a way of being seen
Rahiri P
@RP29 · 5:00

Part 2

My mind's not got all of these multiple thoughts and it's in my head, but while I was working out, it was just a relief just to be there and be present with myself, to see how much I can work out and be okay within myself. And that was a relief, was just being at the gym. And then after that, I needed to quickly go to the supermarket and get me something. And I realized that I was still feeling off, my mood was changing
Rahiri P
@RP29 · 4:36

Part 3

It's. So, yeah, I'm coming to enjoy and be comfortable within my own space, within being alone and enjoying my own company and just getting a clear understanding on what my life, I guess, can be going forward. Like going from a busy life and a constant interaction with society and associates, I guess, has changed my perspective on how I was running, how I was looking for certain aspects within their lives, within mine