Rahiri P
@RP29 · 4:59

Day 12 April - Authentic to myself

Day twelve of April today, this morning, I felt actually really good. Like I haven't felt so clear throughout this whole six months and I don't know how long I've actually fully clear. And I guess with what I did last night, with actually sitting with myself and truly going within, trusting and knowing exactly what my heart wants and what my heart is actually desiring and is a place from my heart, it's so liberating right now

Your heart wants what it wants and will lead you to be free and true.

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:45
Yeah, I think even though it may not look like stereotypical happiness or whatever, I think reaching that point of feeling like you're being clear and honest with yourself is fulfilling and that's more sustainable. That'll prove provide you enough fuel to keep going more than Joy could. So I think that's huge. I think that's actually really important and I'm glad that you can name it for yourself. It's really beautiful to hear. So yeah, thank you for sharing