Rahiri P
@RP29 · 4:59

Day 23rd & 24th April

To know that within this space or within this world, within my life, I only have myself and I only have myself to pick me up, to have my back, to enjoy the good times, to enjoy the bad times and see the beauty in life. And it's just given me a bit of an insight of exactly how I can move forward within this life on creating the one person that's always going to have your back

Creating your own friendship within.

Rahiri P
@RP29 · 5:00

Part 2

You. So as I was saying is that creating my future life is me finding within myself with accepting that my life, that I'm just going to be alone and on my own as such. So I guess over the last couple of days I've gone deep within to accept myself as not having anybody and accepting that my life now is to be, I guess, okay with just being alone and just enjoying my own company