Maria Alvarez
@RoyalSun001 · 0:11

Who is Mother Eatth ?

article image placeholderMaria Alvarez on Instagram: "Covid-19 Co = corona /light  Vid =Video  19 =S =sun ☀️ (2019)  #covid19#coronavirus#video#2019  #light#sunlight#energy#virgin#mary#visions#supernatural#health#life #spiritual#incarnate#nurse#author"
Who is Mother Earth? Did you know that she's a living person?


Mambo Sandy
@MamboSandy · 0:50

#spiritual #motherearth

It's. Yes, I do recognize mother, eatth. Mother Earth is a very much a living person. You can see it around you every day. From her fertility in the earth, from when she shows her emotions by the tidal waves where she gives life. So I do see it every day, from when the birds land in my yard to when I go to the beach and I go in the water and the ocean soothes my cares away and I feel like I'm in the womb again
Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 0:39


Mother Earth is the first mother of the cosmos. She gave birth to all life that is, was and ever should be. She is mother to the very gods themselves. I believe this to the depth of my soul
Maria Alvarez
@RoyalSun001 · 1:53
Mother Earth is a living person. Who is she? There are three earth signs in the zodiac taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Taurus, the Bull, ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, beauty and wealth. Virgo, the virgin, ruled by Mercury, the messenger. Jesus was born under the sign of Virgo, born of a virgin. Capricorn, the goat ruled by Saturn, represents Karma. The female counterpart of a bull is a cow