It's alright, bear with me. I want to talk about a video I watched on social media about two days ago. And it was Sir Ian McKellen sharing a story about getting off a train in Manchester. I'm walking down the stairs and being picked up by a taxi driver who does not address people as he she day, but calls them love. And what if everybody treated each other with such high regard?
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:16
It's, hey, that's a pretty incredible story. And I like the use case, like the actual practical nature of it being experienced. I think that that's what a lot of these ideas lack is actual experience in the world. I think what matters about that, and hear me out on this, is just the fact that it's one thing to have ideas, it's one thing to have concepts, it's another thing to put it in play with other people's emotions, right?