Sohini Joarder
@Rover_Phoenix · 1:27

Is there a viable way to not give in to toxicity while gaming?

article image placeholderToxic gaming
But today I actually sort of face of the situation. I was playing a competitive ranked match, and we had a player who doesn't play that well. And I was against taking the player on the team, but we needed five players to fill the team. So he was there. And so now he played so badly that we lost three consecutive competitive match. And I was about to rank up, and I went one rank down. And it was so frustrating. I almost smashed my laptop
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:47
If you can't communicate without a mic with two other people and you're playing ranked competitive, you probably should not be playing ranked competitive in my case, but yeah, I feel you hard. There were times in the past where exactly what you described happened to me sometimes as a direct result of my friends who are not that good at the games we were playing, and I just moved. Don. I was not a fan anymore