Sohini Joarder
@Rover_Phoenix · 2:35

Dune Review

article image placeholderDune
I mean, people humans are so talented with their brains that they can even turn the extreme conditions to their side. And also I loved how they portrayed the political situation, although it's an outworldly film, but the politics is so apt and accurate that one Kingdom is trying to push down another Kingdom, step on it and become more powerful and wealthy
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:21
It's something that's also lacking, I think, from the rest of the Sci-Fi universe, we don't really see that in Star Wars. We don't really see that even in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there's a very heavy reliance on AI. And I like that. I think that's why Doom definitely sets its apart from some of these in certain ways. I can't wait for part two. It's going to be a wild ride