MsCoach Blessed
@RootedNGrounded · 3:27

Mindfulness =Focus plus Intention

I've often said this, and I've really seen that at work. Going to a chaotic, dysfunctional classroom, often there's a lot of chaos within the person that's leading. They need the noise, the distractions. Sometimes the quiet, intentional, educator, coach, teacher, volunteer, gets the job, gets the task done quietly, with intent. It's not a lot of hoopla, lot of red lipstick, a lot of spinning. They're not instagram influencers

#Mindfulness #bestpracticesmatter #FITPractices

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:59


Maybe eventually things can come more naturally, but I don't know if accident and mindfulness goes hand in hand. Yeah, it takes a lot of effort and you laid out a lot of really good ways to reflect and consider and practice. So thank you for doing that. And I'm definitely going to spread this and send it to a couple of friends and also drop a couple of hashtags, see if we can get more people in. Thank you