Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:57

The Choir of Faithless

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But here your pushback is obviously against the abortion stance and gay rights and things like this. But if you're a Christian today and you're arguing these things when there is all the stuff that's going on in the world, you're just as big of a problem as an atheist. I'll say that you're a lukewarm Christian, you don't have true love in your heart, and you don't have true compassion

Do people hate Christianity because they don’t understand it? https://s.swell.life/SU2D0MZrGMwktae #religion #rant



Not that I'm condoning any of this, I can understand sort of how it's come to be. And I, again, don't necessarily see it as an atheist versus christians, just that those facets make this all the more complicated. And then it becomes instead of the nuances and complexities of what's happening or part of this, it becomes your group versus my group, the in group versus the out group, depending on who's speaking, right?

@RoosterCollins https://s.swell.life/SU2Dl2Ns5fKuN2h

Oh, incidentally, the link didn't work. I did find the video that you referenced here, though, and I've put a link to it here. Hopefully this link works
article image placeholder Rondeau Like Ron-Doe on Instagram: "God bless my friend. #fyp #Christian #atheist #athiest #Muslim #agnostic #witch #pagan #satanist #catholic #evangelical #LGBT #thelordsgiant #jesusisgod #godisgood"
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:59


And then I've been active on social media, Twitter, every single social media platform. And I've been terrified for a long time that I was going to tweet something or something I tweeted years ago would be taken out of context or would be used to hang me. And now that I just don't give a shit anymore. Honestly, if everybody wanted to come after me, I welcome it. I kind of want to battle


There's going to be this escalation of feelings and anger and frustration, and we don't need or want that, right? Nobody wants that. And that's really where I'm most concerned around some of this. And the only other thing I'll add here is that you're right. A lot of people don't know the christian Christianity. They don't know the Bible, they don't know the scriptures. They don't know what Christianity is about
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:59


It's weird to me. I think you have to identify as an atheist to attack someone like the way they attacked me. Not necessarily to disagree with somebody or say whatever. You don't know what the hell you're talking about, but they actually come after me when they would have did. It's like you're not mad at me or what I said. You're attacking an idea, and it's an idea that I don't represent
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:13


You see, I get to my original point. They cut a video that mixed all of this sexual immorality, homosexuality, transgender stuff. But then in the middle of it, they had a scene from a show that my kids watch where it's about buying tampons. And I'm like, this isn't immorality. This is misogyny. And it goes back to the Old Testament, where they expected to win and to be, what, 35 cubits away if you got your period


Second, when you said that people are not angry with you, they're angry at a particular thought, idea, belief, et cetera. Completely agree with that. I keep waiting for some time when someone might say to me that you hate men. Because I don't hate men. I hate the patriarchy. And I think that some men. I mean, we're all products of our environment, right?
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:58


And I think a major problem, what I'm trying to do is be critical of these voices in the Christianity or faith that I don't agree with. That's another problem. Is the people representing Christianity, at least the people Christianity it that so many people are angry at. Those people exist and you should stand up to them. But like I said, you can't attack all of Christianity
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 2:28


I've never hit the road where everyone, every single man that I meet always wants to alpha male me, even though I'm much better looking taller. I could be taller, much better looking stronger, and be much more charming. And it's still like, what do you got? It's like, I'm not trying to impress you. Okay? That's it. It's infuriatingly tiring for me. I'm sure that women feel the same way and go through much more


Which is detrimental to all of us. I could go on and on about some of this stuff. I think in some ways men are told to be more gregarious and more aggressive, but at the same time to strip away a part of their humanity. And for women, we're told to fold in on ourselves else, which, again, strips away a part of our humanity. And none of this serves anyone. And yet it all falls under the patriarchy. But I'll stop there
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 3:46


It blew my mind about how this king in Africa had a woman army and had crowned a woman, a woman king to run everything, co opt like you're in charge of the military, you're in charge of everything. It's a wild story, but it's beautiful because it really worked out because she was a badass. And I watched this, the funny thing is I watched this movie on the plane to Africa, so it got me in the headspace
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J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:34
Because in my mind, as a Christian, when you really look at the word foundationally, the judgment and the misinterpretation and the assumptions that is thrown that way to people who are atheist, should not occur. And then on the flip side, when I compare my experiences engaging with people who are non believers, who have told me specifically, explicitly that they are atheists, they don't believe in any type of deity. These folks tend to lead with kindness, understanding, compassion, respect
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:32


I don't understand that. Is it because everything is an agenda, everything has to be an agenda? That's not Christianity for me. That's not faith for me. Yeah. That's doctrine. That's religion. That's the law. That's the law. And Jesus was persecuted according to the law of the time. Don't know where I'm going with this. It completely lost my train of thought. Yes. I think it just kicked him
Simon De La Rosa III
@TheSimonShow · 4:44
I heard something today, as a matter of fact, on one of the talk shows where they were talking about this woman, this woman who was in the military where the Gaza troops, they raped her. She was pregnant and they cut her stomach. They took the baby out and they massacred it. Then they cut off her breasts and left her a mess. But you never hear about that anywhere. You only hear about it on some shows that are brave enough to say something about it
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:49


When we're on the midst of world War three, which hopefully, if it ever boils down, they just nuke it all. How can we be so close to a global conflict and still be right there on a civil, we're right there for civil war, but it's like a civil war of who against who? At this point, I don't know what side I'm fighting on. It's going to turn into a Sierra Leone type civil war
Simon De La Rosa III
@TheSimonShow · 1:24


And so I misspoke about a couple of things. But yeah, it's Hamas that did that. People of gods are kind of caught in the middle. Pro Palestinian, pro Israeli. It just keeps going and going and going. And I just want to. Please not blame, but just make sure that I give that information correctly when I'm replying to something that you or anybody else says. And I apologize for that
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:44


I'm definitely fighting on that side of the war. The colors will be all over the place, but the cross will be there. The cross will be there. Mine will probably be green. Just so you know, identify my knights by the color green, the green cross on them
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:40


I think we should just bring back the term terrorist. That's it. Can we just go back to fighting terrorists and terrorism and not. And, like. Yeah, I understood, but, yeah. Thank you for clarifying. But, yeah. Just terrorists or just murderers? Can we just say, can we be anti am murdering people? The people that are murdering folks and like you said, murdering women and children and butchering them. Yeah
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 3:49

@RoosterCollins Hatred is never acceptable! #religion #hatred #cruelty #harm

But I just think that when it starts to dip into spaces around belief systems, it just seems like it's going to be a lose lose proposition. Because for those who are anchored in their beliefs, unwilling to see other perspectives and jump to a space of judgment or shaming or threatening or condemnation of other belief systems, I just don't see how that's a healthy conversation
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Luce Fonrose
@ilovelucee · 4:53
I'm Christian and I fall under a certain denomination, and I've had conversations with people before with those who are not even religious, not even Christian, right? And in conversations with those who were, and it was interesting to see the different takes. So me and a person were having conversation, that person is Christian, and another person was there that person wasn't Christian. And I was saying, like, I don't do certain things because of religious purposes on specific days, for example
The Space luchador
@space-luchador · 5:00
So I guess my point is this, right, is that all these people do what they do and they go against Christianity is because that is the last and final defense before society goes to a shithole or in a handbasket, right? Straight to hell. It is what it is, right? And I'm not like an avid kid, right? Because I have no platform. But whenever I do have a chance, I just straight up say it. Just like right now
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 4:13


Whatever it takes, whatever special sequence of words that you need to hear as a human being to realize that you may be sitting in comfort now, but it is about to be stripped away from you. And that applies to every single human being that is currently living on this planet. The wealth has been transferred. The checks have been signed. AI just needs to show up, flip everything upside down, and before you know it, nobody has a job. Welcome to the end times