Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 0:59

Rooster After Dark: SWELL OF THE DAY! | Follow: Phil S @soapsmith on SwellCast | #SwellCast #SwellCasterAppreciation #RoosterAfterDark #TRCS

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So I just stumbled upon the swell and I will be talking about it on the program tonight. But until then, you need to go out and you need to check this out and you need to go and you need to listen. Listen to what my friend over here did with one string that was buzzing because Poi howdy. Is it something else?

The first ever OFFICIAL Rooster After Dark SWELL OF THE DAY! From @soapsmith | Rooster After Dark | Only available on #swellcast #ForThrPeople

Phil Soapsmith
@soapsmith · 0:45
I guess that any kind of feedback, if there's something you want to see or hear, if you want a topic to talk about, I'm game. I would love to go back and forth. Yeah. So hit me up. Thanks