MomMomma Mommyy
@RolyonTheRoCKZ · 2:24

Look up to the sky, thank the sun and the moon for the light in which we bloom

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Anyways, seriously, I don't know what anyone else does, but I do want to know what people do. What do you do when you feel, like, down or you start feeling negative? What do you do to feel positive? Because I know one thing always works for me, and that's for fucking sure. Dance. The minute I put on music, I instantly always feel better. It always lifts my mood. Hopefully you guys all have things like that to help you

#justdance #findyourhapiness #healing

MomMomma Mommyy
@RolyonTheRoCKZ · 1:37

#whatmakesyouhappy #whatinspiresyoursoul

I love driving. But one of the things me and my children always did and probably will do forever is we're driving on the highway. We're going somewhere. And I got them bluetooth microphones, too, because we love karaoke, so we would always have concerts in the car, and I missed that so much
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D. Hnobody
@bigdaDDie63 · 1:36
Always find a small town somewhere, good food, good people. But we only get 24 at a time. First thing in the morning when I wake up, I thank God. First words out of my mouth for waking me. Because once we go to sleep, it's no guarantee that we're going to open our eyes. I think a lot of people take that for granted. Just, just saying, that's just me