Honey Bundela
@rjhoneyyy · 0:09


Maturity is when you get to realize that you can be important to someone, but not all the time

#Importance #Love #Priority #Maturity #Understanding #Swell #SwellPodcast #Speaking #Motivation #Poetry #One-Liner

Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:20
Well said. Well said. You cannot be the center of attention all the time. In other words and you must stop focusing on yourself all the time is also the next learning that we will possibly have in this journey called life. It's not always about us
Honey Bundela
@rjhoneyyy · 0:26


Thank you for replying. I completely agree with you. Definitely. Life is not all about us. But is that the right being upon someone else mindset or someone else preferences in our life? Then what is there your life about you? So instead of regret that you didn't do something that you wanted to do, you should better take a charge of yourself. That what I mean by that