nidhi jain
@rivaa · 0:17

#MyProfile | nidhi jain

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Hello, I am Rivaa, and I like to explore all the areas in a very creative way and also want to enhance my thinking about thinking outside the box, basically


Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:26


Hello. Hi, Rivaa. Welcome on swell. My name is Aishani, and I'm a part of the Swell team. Along with this reply, I am attaching a link to another Swell which I think you might really like. So do give that Swell a listen, and if you like it, do drop a reply on it, because that's how you can connect with more people on the platform and basically start your Swell casting journey. So, yeah, do check it out
article image placeholderEnd is the new beginning