Raisa Batista
@risa_sonrisaxo · 0:16

Cinderella up in this bishhh

It's hotel confessionals. I love it when a man comes up to me and says, right, so what do you think? You are a princess? Little do they know that the summer of 2009 I had a canary as my alarm clock. So yes, Cinderella up in that bitch princess status
Ray B
@raykob · 0:21
It was it alarm clock? Like your phone alarm clock? Or you you had a canary in your room that was there waking you up in the morning or on all corners of the night. There's no controlling that. Whenever it feels inspired
Raisa Batista
@risa_sonrisaxo · 1:46


And also, it just so happened to be the time where I would originally have put my alarm clock. But once I noticed that my canary was on track with my alarm clock, I just took the risk and decided that summer that I would not set an alarm clock. I literally left it to my canary to wake me up every morning. And it was the most beautiful summer. It was the most inspiring. It really felt like I was living a Disney movie