Reema Pahwa
@Rims1976 · 0:22


hi everyone today i am going to see a small? said? riten by me is on my? लाइफ? बरसते आंसुओं से दागे जिगर धो नहीं सकते। बरसते आंसुओं से दागे जिगड़ धो नहीं सकते। गम इतने हैं कि हम रो भी नहीं सकते।
Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 0:30
hello? and welcome? to swell am? caviar? from the swill team? and its really? good? to see? that you are exploring the ap? and all? the jones? and i? heard your poetry। its really amazing? that how beautiful you conic the life? it wider? beautiful words? and i hope? that you will come of it such a beautiful swis।