Abraham raj
@righteous_abbes · 1:28

#TellYourStory | The best advice I ever received was...

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Right. However, facing it, let yourself feel the pain, cry it out if needed, deal with it without any substances involved. Standing alone. Well, that kind of move prepares you for your future heart attacks. Let's say, next time, you will know how. How to handle a breakup confidently, right? So my advice is simple, my friends. Experience the pain. Don't escape it. Thank you

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp6 @rocio

Mon Lis
@Mon · 1:02
Hello. Hey. Hi. The topic, what you chose is good. It was not clear, though, but yeah, I understood what it means. Most of the pain that we face in life, they choose to make us feel the agony, and we learn a lot of lessons out of it. And some of us, yes, we try to run away from certain problems, looking out for the alternative solutions. Very well said
Abraham raj
@righteous_abbes · 0:22


You. Hey there. Thank you for being the first to respond to my very first post. Your support means a lot and I'll definitely keep you in mind and strive to provide a clearer insight in my future post. Stay tuned. Thank you
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:35
You. I think this is something which people try not to do. I mean, it is so important to experience that pain. If we ignore it, it's going to hit us later. You know, it's really going to hit us bad. So it's okay to experience this, experience it while it's there, rather than try to just shove it under the carpet or try and ignore it because it doesn't die down. It's going to be there