Richard Taliaferro
@richtaliaferro · 3:19

Yes, I have seen people change...

article image placeholderDo People Change? | A Swell storytelling page
And, yeah, running helps with that. So just wanted to put my two cent in with that just to sort of wrap up. It's like, yes, people do change, and you want to be more on the curious side of wanting to know what the change looks like rather than having the change forced upon you. All right, thanks, y'all

#DoPeopleChange #sspsddpcpY #SwellDebate https://s.swell.life/SU6rNRpYqSPco8c #TellYourStory

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:40
But if it comes from you, from a sense of curiosity, I think we can kind of foster a sense of curiosity in each other, with each other, in ourselves, so that we can approach those changes with energy and not with not being dragged