Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:51

Them: A Users Guide for Us.

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They love small talk. If you can master the art of small talk, they won't even know you're different. Try it. Talk about something like soap, where you buy your soap, where to get the best price on soap, why you like that soap. They like to congregate amongst themselves and are obsessive about social norms, what to say, what not to say. And it's dependent on what type of group you're in

#mentalhealth #psychology #neurodivergence


@RensLens https://s.swell.life/STjLQPks30vM9HN

I suspect that neurodivergent individuals are not necessarily the target audience, but this rings so true. And there's always this internal battle of I've spent my entire life attempting to mask and appear, quote, unquote, normal, but it was never good enough. I came across, once again a reminder of a study that was done with neurotypicals, a neurodivergence
article image placeholderLou ♾ on Instagram: "Did you know that autistic people are automatically judged as less likeable?  Disclosure✍️ In this reel I am wearing a top from @rare_birds_clothing which they very kindly #gifted #AD to me. I was under no obligation to post and was not paid to do so.   Citation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5286449/ (NJ Sasson, 2017)   Neurotypical Peers are Less Willing to Interact with Those with Autism based on Thin Slice Judgments.  Transcription Did you know that autistic people are automatically judged as less likeable?  In one study, the non autistic people judged autistic people as less likeable and suggested that they'd be less likely to engage with them, within just a couple of seconds of seeing them. The non autistic people in the research study did not know that the other person in the interaction was autistic.   In the research study, the autistic participants were automatically judged as less trustworthy, less likeable, less attractive, less intelligent and more awkward.   The non autistic people suggested that they'd be less likely to want to talk to the participants who are autistic, spend time with them, sit near them or want to live near them.  Obviously, the non autistic people in their research studies did not know the people that they were talking to were autistic, and it suggests that autistic people may face discrimination or bias but either when we do not disclose our diagnosis for things like for example, stimming, or body language.   This shows just how important it is to raise awareness and acceptance of autistic traits. Autistic people often spend hours and hours learning about the neurotypical world and trying to fit ourselves within it that often non autistic people do not know very much about autism or what being autistic involves."
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:56


Whatever the difference is, I hope that it comes across as clear that the goal whether that person is considered disordered or less than by whomever, whatever environment they're in because it's really environmentally dependent upon whether somebody is disordered or wrong
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!



And they had this superior thinking about themselves and their understanding of the world and a devaluing of any other perspectives of how to make sense of the world and so on. And yet every description they pointed a finger at as being problematic, they were embodying and doing it themselves but not seeing it


And and yet if things like growth, learning, richness of life, and if any of these things really are valued then to prioritize, quote, unquote politeness or niceness over transparency or challenges or what have you, it's counter to all of those things
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:39


Yeah, it's almost as if the term mental health in our culture, in a competitive capitalist culture, is kind of a misnomer. Like, we already know that the studies show that mental health is better in collectivist cultures. And so can there really truly be mental health in a culture that is obsessed with conformity, fitting in, or behavioral health appearing as if you fit in? Perhaps that's why we're prescribing so much medication in this country, right?


I wish I give this several likes because there's so many different situations that this rings so, so true. I'm just thinking of like even take women going to the doctor, you know, and because they experience pain differently or even you talk about persons of color, the assumptions and beliefs about experiencing pain differently, if if the presentation, the performance does not match up with someone's idea of what quote, unquote is, then it's dismissed
Dr. G
@Dr.G · 1:22


Or if you say, I don't want to talk about the rain why don't we talk about some, I don't know quantum physics and how it's useful in discussing human consciousness or something interesting. For God's sakes. A lot of people call it politics. Office politics, academic politics, politic politics. Everything has its politics in it
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:55


It's just that some people are their brains are equipped to have that dialogue better than others. So I think, for instance, the best example of that would be when I read Steve Jobs biography several years ago. He talked about, like, when he was on his deathbed, or I should say the last year of his life, probably, and Bill Gates came to visit him. And Bill Gates was very much his nemesis to some extent