Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 4:59

#AI: Stop Gaslighting Me, Bruh!

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article image placeholderUploaded by @RensLens
And what I did here on Swell is I first posted the reply that I wanted to post, or attempted to post, I should say, but then next door came in and blocked it and suggested that I reword my post before posting. And so in the second image is what AI suggested I post instead. So I get that AI wants to replace my communication with real people, and I get that it wants to help me find information fast and efficiently. I'm not a doomsday conspiracy theorist

#Help #DontMindDuckMe

Katie Jeanne
@FindYourLight7 · 5:00

I half agree half disagree, but there is a reason you're the first person for me to listen to on this app. Please listen with an open mind.

The solution here isn't about getting frustrated at AI, because it's not even AI's fault. It's the people behind AI that created it. So how are you going to get mad at something that's a completely innocent bystander. So with the times being where they are man, and the world definitely in crisis, the solution truly is getting in touch with yourself. That means doing some inside work


There's just so much more nuance to interacting, especially in conflicts that I mean, that is laughable. I'm curious though, statistically how many people opt to use that an AI suggested response. I wish there were stats available on that
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 3:38


You. Hello, live high vibes. Welcome to Swell, and I am so flattered that you chose to listen to my Swell cast. First, I just want to say that I appreciate your perspective on this. I will definitely heed your warning with respect to disrespecting AI lie, or at least I'll try to. I don't know how successful I'll be, but I'll remember what you said
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 2:48


And so it's like this same kind of in position, right, that we're all supposed to be learning to speak and communicate and talk in this one way. And that just makes me want to rebel and then just be like, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. AI. AI. Stop gaslighting me, bruh me
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 2:07


I appreciate that point of view because I was just thinking of, like the Terminator movies. You really have to be careful because one day AI will be controlling us more than it probably already does. I goof around on Chat GPT astrality on here has become a real good friend of mine. And we chat on Instagram as well. And I took her last swell and asked Chat GPT to make a rap about it. And I sent it to her in a DM
Katie Jeanne
@FindYourLight7 · 1:50


I think it's going to get really messed up. But I think that we have a due diligence to our planet and to our fellow brother and sister to do our part. And I think that that is helping train AI. But I'm curious to know what you think
Katie Jeanne
@FindYourLight7 · 2:45


Now, on the other AI, it's crazy because I felt the same way about AI. It's crazy because it's like, at first I was like, oh no, this is so Bad News Bears. And then next thing I know, I'm like, wow, AI chat GPD is so useful and majority. I mean, actually, all of 100% of the time I have nothing but appreciation for the AI that I utilize because it's super respectful
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 2:45


But like, last night we were coming back from a concert and I was in the car and I found myself like, googling individual restaurants that were opened late. And then I'm like, oh, I'll just go to Chat GPT and ask. And it gave me a list of all the restaurants that were open just in terms of the time it saves you, like, pulling all that information together that you would have to click on individually and look into if you did a Google search
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 1:44


Or if perhaps we've gone so long without using being able to really use our sarcasm on traditional modes of social media if we're losing our ability to express it. So anyways, your comments got me thinking along those lines today, and that's why I'm here, because I really appreciate when people say something that gets me thinking about a top that I can apply to my work. Thanks
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 4:11


And if you're reading the article, it sounds really convincing, but a lot of the data was incorrect. So it's just going to show how manipulated we can be from AI made data and news articles. And now people are using deep fakes to present news articles and deciphering what's true or not is really going to take some talent and some knowledge to the person that's reading it saying, wait a minute, that date is not right. And it was all about what date?
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 3:27


Hey, Jordan. Yeah, I hear you. That what you were saying with respect to the validity of Chat GPT. That's why, like, for right now, I'm just using it for more broad purposes and I'll ask it for a definition pretty frequently and it gives me a valid definition. Like, I think things that are readily out there that are well known and maybe you just want to quickly formulate the words. I think it's really helpful and it seems to be pretty valid