Reh Dogg
@RehDogg · 5:00

Finding common ground

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And so then I gave her my testimony, because I remember Pastor Joe said that if you are not a mature Christian, like I'm not mature in the faith where I could recite Scripture to her. He said, there's one thing that you can do. Give people your testimony. And so I gave her my testimony of my past and all the thing I've been through and where I am now, and I've never seen her. She got so teary eyed
Jacob 4 Real Podcast
@jacobforreal · 1:54


And what greater thing is that it I've shared my testimony many times through different platforms and I felt at times, like you, if I didn't remember the scripture, a scripture that would help them reconcile their hearts to the Lord, that I would just tell them my testimony. Sometimes we can't really remember or we don't know the exact thing we need to say to somebody because we're just human