reader 75063
@reader75063 · 1:01

RRR - Poem by reader75063©

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RR. Reduce the amount of things you use. Don't make unnecessary purchases. Reuse what you can. Bags, clothes, utensils, recycle as much as possible. Paper or plastic, both alike. It sometimes. It doesn't need to be a huge thing like planting a tree. Turn off the faucet. While brushing, turn off the engine. When your vehicle is at a red light, use the water you washed with to water the plants. Reduce, reuse, recycle

#poetsofswell #collegevoiceindia #swellcast

Disha Agarwal
@disha_aga05 · 4:58

Think before it's too late!

Hello. As you rightly pointed out, the three R's reduce, reuse and recycle. These three words are a very important part of a sustainable living. And so actually, honestly, it's very simple because you just need to reduce the amount of waste that you're producing, reuse the items as much as you can before replacing them and recycle them whenever possible and they help in minimizing the amount of space that is needed for landfill sites
Avantika Rabgotra
@avantika202 · 3:12
If we will save the environment, might our little bit contributions or little bit steps can bring some change? Because if we will not take the initiative, forget about the rest. So we need to get out of our comfort zone and take some initiative to prevent our Mother Nature and to make Earth a better place to live in. Now, coming to the topic, that is three R's. Reduce, reuse and recycle