Richard Jordan
@rdeanjordan · 4:05

Dad Tips #1: Let Your Spouse Take Some Time Off

And so overall, she has a lot more contact hours with the baby than I do. And therefore she spends a lot more time having to put up with the tantrums, the sleepiness, the teething, and it weighs on her a lot. And if the baby cries in the middle of the night, she's always the first one to wake up. So she's a lot more stressed out when it comes to taking care of the baby than I am

Fatherhood comes with many challenges. Today, we talk about letting your partner take time for themselves.

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:30
It's. This is a pretty pretty solid one. That example you you listed, man, I couldn't imagine but I can only imagine how much it just shifts the dynamic of free time and responsibility and anxiety and stress once there's a little one to take care of. So it makes sense. Makes a lot of sense, actually. But thanks for kind of speaking to it here