Ray King
@RayRayPhillyKat · 0:40

One of many things I regret

To be honest, it's too much to explain, like a book. But one thing stand out is being married for 20 years, doing everything I can. And throughout it all, it wasn't really worth it. I took care of all my kids. I'm still living. But it just hurts when you meet things, you love someone and you're not getting the same love back or the same caringness that you have in your heart and soul
Joshua Tito
@ozzymendez · 1:04
Hello. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Yeah, I had a long relationship. Not that long, but no kids. But it definitely feelings seemed to change on my ex's end towards the end of the very end of our relationship. And then after the breakup, I was kind of treated with, well, a bit of contempt, which yeah, that wasn't good. But yeah, I don't really understand what people mean when they say that they don't have any regrets
Ray King
@RayRayPhillyKat · 0:17


I think they say no regrets because they don't want to or don't know how to say they sorry for what they went through and allowed himself to go through. That's how I look at it also. Thanks for your input. Appreciate it. Bye
