Ray King
@RayRayPhillyKat · 0:56

A good cry why do we do it?

Hi, everybody. I got a great, great question. My question is, why is it that you treat people well and good by them, but they'll treat you very bad, but let the other person is dogging them out, you know, treat them like they're the greatest thing since cottage cheese. You know what I mean? I don't understand that. Never have, never will. Take, for instance, Ex. You did well by that. Ex. Good
Shanicgal Gallon
@Letusspeak · 4:46
So that was a good cry for me because I've been through the situations of crying over broken relationships and people who have hurt me, which is a great segue into the actual question that you were asking about. Why do we sit back and watch people who we've been good to, they get treated so poorly by someone else and they seem to be okay with it
Ray King
@RayRayPhillyKat · 0:55


Hi, it's Ray. I appreciate your input. It means a lot and I understand where you're coming from. The one thing I can also say about me is I'm always nice. I don't know how to be mean to somebody, but I'm not a pushover either. I don't know how to shut things off and how I do it. I just stop talking to that person or stop giving them my kindness by just ignoring them it