Ray B
@raykob · 2:10

The Dragging Awe Experience

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Joseph and Solange have helped me in seeing that it's, through endless curiosity, remain curious of the present, slightly detached. Save on hello and goodbyes and always do your best. Most importantly, discipline. Skillful means always develop skills. This is vital for reaching Buddha hood, Buddha potential and insight when we are truly submerged in our skillful, trade, art, et cetera, time doesn't exist in this space and through the fractal that is the work itself, bringing solutions to a problem

#buddhism #skillfulmeans #enlightnment

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:40

#mindful #meditation #buddha

Definitely could stand to learn quite a bit from you so I hope you keep posting on here so that we all may learn a little bit more and more each day. Cheers