My pet, my puppy, Ansel. He is a golden retriever, and I'll tell you how he outsmarts me every day. So I have his multivitamins and biotin for his hair, and calcium and other stuff which he needs for his nutrient. There's this one tablet, which is a multivitamin, which he doesn't like, and the other ones are very tasty for him

#PetStory #spbpetst1 @gaurav1106 @taylor #TellYourStory

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:33
Oh, my God. Rasika. This is exactly what my Labrador retriever used to do. He would hide that tablet, which he didn't like. In fact, it was not a tablet, it was a capsule, and he didn't like it. And he would hide it in his mouth. In the side of the mouth, and he would just spit it out later and he would keep his mouth shut and wouldn't take it again. I mean, he was very stubborn that way