Rashmitha T
@rashmithat_ · 0:59

How many of you like true crime?

But then listening to that human psychology and just how disturbing the human mind can be is interesting, to say the least. So I just wanted to ask how many of you like procurement out there and to see true crime mostly on YouTube. Like, people like Barely, Seren, and Christie just make it into an amazing story and just say it to us. So just recommend me more channel please

#truecrime #youtube

Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 0:49
I'm very interested in true crime, and I'm always looking into new cases and looking at different YouTube videos and just articles and everything like that. I think it's really interesting and bizarre and. And also being able to see how the mind works is absolutely insane. Even though some of the times you just feel like I can never understand how somebody could do this. And some of the time, being able to see how those people's mind works is, like, mind boggling