Ram Younani
@Ram · 1:34


article image placeholderI don't want to play anymore
It's a beautiful day and I just pray that everyone has a good 2021 may favor fortune, the foolish may you all live a prosperous life year, whatever it is that you want to call it and that's you all very soon. Peace

#2021 #jumanji #besafe

Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:37
Hey Ram, happy New Year. Well said, you know, all we can do is look forward to the New Year and go into it with a little bit more optimism and compassion for others and tenacity and try to beat this thing together. It would be nice to not have to read about my friends who are nurses or frontline workers that are struggling every day. Just looking forward to watching all of them be able to take a break and unwind and just enjoy life again