Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 4:59

Don't ask for the fulfillment of desires

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If your ideas are for society, for public welfare, for the good of good of others, then definitely they will be got fulfilled and slowly you will get the path, you will get the satisfaction of doing something good. No need to ask for you go and be thankful, be grateful and the power of nature will always be with you. There will be some kind of indications and you will feel them and you will lead a happy life. Nothing will go wrong


Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 3:34
If you're constantly dwelling on it, if you're constantly, like, putting everything into it, your energy, effort and everything into it, day and night, with no rest, no sleep, no, you know, nothing, just that is your only focus, means it won't work because you have to give it space and you have to give it time. You have to give the universe the chance to do its work, just like how you are doing your daily routine