Malaika Mendes
@Ragafari · 3:31
article image placeholderThe African Dream
Hello, Silcasters. This is Ragafari, and I'm making my contribution to Black History Month re sharing something that I found on Facebook. Those pyramids that you can see in the picture, there are were found in there are depictions of pyramids that are found in kush are region that we would call Nubia, ancient Nubia Kush. And they're much smaller than the ones that were found that existed in ancient Egypt, but I think they preceded the ones in Egypt


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:21
That's so interesting. I'd never heard of that. I just took a look at the at the post, the Facebook post that you shared. It's really, really interesting. I'm definitely intrigued to learn more, but thank you so much for sharing it on here. Yeah, really, really interesting. And Happy Black History Month