radhika verma
@Radhikasaywhatt · 0:21

#MyProfile | radhika verma

article image placeholderUploaded by @Radhikasaywhatt
You. Hi. I'm just a 20 something year old who's trying to figure out her life. I share experiences. I talk about my learnings or kabi kabi unequisoko, kavitao or kahani omebatatimu. So if you're interested in my everyday learnings and life updates, do follow me


Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:38


So do give that Swell a listen, and if you like it, do drop a reply on it because, you know, by listening to other people's spells and reply on the spells that you like, you can actually connect with people on this platform and basically start your own spellcasting journey. And I'm here to help you with the first step of it. So, yeah, do check it out. And welcome once again
article image placeholderMy Happy High !!